Thursday, September 17, 2009

interesting piece!

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

PS: that is not an original...came across this and found it interesting...hope its d same with u!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I beg to differ!!!

So we are here,finally we have arrived...after all those millions of births as insects, animals , plants and all other inexplicable,myself and all of them around have taken birth as human beings on this mother Earth. Well that's not what i say,but the sacred Gita tells us !!
Ok i wont contest that point as you might have thought...I really dont care from where I came as long as I'am alive and kicking! but I have my own doubts...there is something called as 'karma'...rings a bell,well it must have...cos karma is something which has been been treated as a philosophy rather than just a word...its something mystic...some overbearing law which cant be escaped or broken ( good to know that such a law exists,cos that means we have hope)
Why did everything went wrong at the last moment,when i had rehearsed n number of times???
why did this happen to me when i have not done any wrong???
why the hell...!!!
I'm sure you must have asked yourself and others these questions at some point...n guess what the reply was..."well that's your karma" .......superb,i mean excellent!!! of all such questions you may ask them,they would give you this sacred verse which u rather should believe cos its the mystic law...'u can ignore it but sorry cant escape it'. And the best part is that u dnt have to be a god fearing person to accept this law as it transgresses all religious boundaries and even the most die hard atheist scholars fall 'prey' to it!!!
So for heavens sake will some one tell me what karma has a new born earned when he is born in a ambani house hold vis a vis a new soul entering this world (mind u after all those millions of 'janams') in the dharavi slum just to find himself/herself a life ,which most of the people outside that slum and unfortunately also inside,dnt consider worth living!! My question is WHY HIM??? and well by now u know their answer...'that's his karma'...i say wtf!!!
What karma are they exactly talking about...ohh 'previous janam' is it??? well i feared this...for people like u and me they tell us to dig into our past and find the reasons whenevr we pose these questions(why me sorts) and to my surprise we always do get something to satisfy matter how illogical it may be at times...(like a small boy stealing a loaf of bread in his childhood,being penalised with an accident in which he loses his hand...he asks them n they say karma!) but what about this chap who has just opened his eyes in the slum under the greyish blue mumbai sky...he doesnt have a past,so they ask us to believe an atrociously built logic to it...past life karma...huh...may i ask how can a person be penalised or for that matter rewarded for the deeds of someone
1. He doesnt even know
2. He has never come across
3. He is not even faintly related to, in any sense of the word
and just to rub it in a bit more...the same points hold for the 'previous janam person' in question with regard to this new born! i hear them say 'soul' well what's that- a quasi meta physical/biological realm of existense (and dnt knw what else)...and even if that's the bond between these two totally unrelated individuals...still if i break someone's face now why should the repercussions be burnt by some one who will be born may a few decades after my demise...cos we share the same soul,well even if i take that...dnt they get,it was not the soul which incited me to break that face,but my mind which instructed and co-ordinated a neat swing of the arm with the fingers getting into a fist and finally landing a blow at an angle which only a brain can perceive.And at the worst he just inherited my soul (i dnt know how he managed to do that,ie if he did) not my brain, so WHY HIM!!!
this brings me to the final part of this...THE BRAIN. I may have come across as a non-believer of i dnt know how many things but i believe in the power of the human brain. that's the supreme of them all. I do believe if you dont study you would fail... cos "A is A" . If there is a thing you cant escape...that's REALITY. An apple falls downwards not because that's its karma...but because of a real force called gravity, we know so well. That fellow met with an accident not cos that's his karma but cos may be he was negligent or the driver was...that's the reality and he cant escape it. coming back to that new born chap...well he has been born into a slum not cos of an iota of a fault of his,but the reality is that he would now have to struggle for his mere existense since the word go. Why he was born, well simple...its a unjustified,illogical world...made up of a few rudimentary systems just to create an illusion to the common man that it's not...but A is A...n i believe it is!!!