Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Why is it ,that i always find u near
Why is it ,that i have this ever lingering fear,
Why is it ,that i have dried up my tears
Why do i feel alone even amongst my peers

Why is it ,that i miss my words when we meet
and then the only thing i hear is my 'heart beat',
Why is it ,that you seem to be omnipresent to me
I know its a dream,but believe its reality.

Why is it ,that i cant miss those eyes even in a crowd
and whenever you are beside me i feel inexplicably contented and proud,
Why is it ,that i can sniff even a whiff of your scent
and whatever you may say i would always believe that,for me u are 'god sent' !!

Why is it ,that whenever i'm happy
i want to hold u in my arms & fly,
and no matter whether for me its a low or a high
whenever u smile, u make me sigh

Why is it ,that i cant forget the time
we spent together,the 'golden days',
u know we laughed, cried & fought
in may be a thousand ways.

but it was for u that i lived
for u that i saved,
it was for u that i fought
for u that i prayed.

Why is it ,that i love u the way
i have never loved someone before,
Why is it ,that it seems impossible to
live even for a day without u anymore

Why is it ,that i'm losing u each day & moving afar
won't we hold on,baby...will we go apart ???


In this cold winter night when everything stands still
When the white clouds are coming down from that far off hill,
When I can even see by breath go out
I weep within as I want to shout.
Its not that life has been unkind
But something’s bogging down my mind,
As I try to figure it out,through this winter haze
I get embroidled in that engulfing maze.
The question is not big neither its small
But somehow I haven’t been able to take the call,
Somehow it has always got the better of me
Somehow it’s a part of my entity.
But tonight I want to set it aside
As this silent night reminds me of my plight,
Tonight I want to break all the cobwebs and take flight
Where the sky above is not dark but a plethora of colours,bright.
As I go into the battle again
All my efforts go in vain,
Tonight when the time was rife
I couldn’t again find an answer to the question,
What am I going to do in life!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Einstein referred to TIME as the fourth dimension, most people didn’t get him then…he reasoned that it was important as everything in this world is relative.
Today after so many years I disagree with the great man.
As for me it should be the first and if required the last dimension to be followed. Its not that I don’t understand the importance of the x-y-z co-ordinates, but its just that today all that seems so blur. Coming to think of it, you can actually measure and understand, to your surprise and presumed disbelief, everything under the sun, using TIME as a dimension.
Just think of it…you can span your whole life on it ( and see whether it has been worth all the effort or not !!! I hope the answer is yes for you)…you can look at a marvelous building and get awed by the 3-D complexities of it, but at the end of the day you have to remember that even that man-made structure has a life of its own. Right from the time of it getting conceptualized, being transferred to the drafting table and then finally getting its shape on the piece of land where it finally stands. In the end if you see it all wrt to time I’m sure you would be able to understand and appreciate it in a much better way.
Time is that one little thing that would keep the element of variance in your life, it would not let you stop. So whether you do it voluntarily or not, time would plot a graph for you on its axis…the challenge for us is to make sure that we have more peaks than the troughs in the final analysis.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Unite if you want to live a life
Unite if you want the safety of your children and wife

Unite you must, if you still want to sing
Unite because that’s your last way your last thing

Unite if you still have your heart and soul
Unite your youth for that final goal

Unite if you still don’t know your mark
Unite before it becomes too late, too dark

Unite if you love your motherland, mate
Unite to close the evil gate

Unite if you want to have a say
Unite you may, if you still want to make it your day

Unite so that generations down line
Recognize us as brave
Unite so that you can hold your head high
To the moment when you are lowered into your grave.

Monday, June 9, 2008

fed-exp derailed !!!

what a heart break it has been...couldnt hv imagined this even in my wildest dreams that roger federer,the king...the one i'm an ardent fan of would be humiliated in such a way at Phillippe Chatrier,really what a shame!!!

We all knew that rafa is improving by the day and is the master of clay but the way he demolished roger today was like rude shock for all fedex fans. i wont go into the details of what all fedex didnt do which he should have or how the spaniard just outplayed him in every department of the game...cos the game's over n so is the dream of watching roger winning on parisian soil, atleast for an year.

What inspired me to key in this post were reasons nothing else but emotional,so as I feel disoriented and try to streamline my haywired thoughts i apologise for ending this abruptly...but promise to come back with lots more on roger once he wins the Wimbledon this year...fingers crossed...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

my role model

The moment I try to think of my inspirations many names crop up, Einstein for the sheer genius he was, Subhas Chandra Bose for the courage and bravery that man impersonified, Gandhi for being the true idealistic and many people having a rags to richest story, not because I want their wealth but because I want their audacity of dreaming big and then materializing their dreams. But surprisingly I find that though I want a bit of everyone I don’t idealize anyone in particular. The one who really inspires me to reach greater heights, the one who shows me the way whenever I get lost is, the guy in the mirror!
I may be sounding a bit egoistic, but surely I’m not. It’s just that, that the guy in the mirror means so much to me. Everytime I win and feel invincible, just a mere look at him makes me feel mortal again. Everytime I’m down and tending to give up, he inspires me to avenge myself, to go for the heights I have never dreamt before. The guy in the mirror, knows me the best .He knows my darkest secrets, my weaknesses, my strengths and he is always ears to share my feelings ,this is not to say that I don’t have good friends or family but still.
At the end of the day I know its all about him. My goal is to perfect that guy, to get out the best in him. And I shall pursue that my whole life. But in this I can’t bluff. Because I may fool the whole world, I may be a put on and nobody would come to know but the moment I get in front of the guy in the mirror, I stand naked. So in a way, he is the filter I use. He keeps my conscience clean and helps me to realign and introspect everytime I go wayward, everytime I sin. He has guided me through life and would keep doing so. As he is my mentor.
In the end I just hope that the guy in the mirror keeps inspiring and guiding me. But more importantly that I’m able to see him in the eye till my last breath .Because he is the one I idealize, he is my guru ,my role model and he shall take me through this thing called, Life.
PS - this I wrote as an entry to the creative writing competition held in my company.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

didnt know it was 'YOU' !!!

I didn’t know it was you,
When you looked at me and smiled
I didn’t know it was you,
When you asked me “what’s the time ??”

I didn’t know it was you,
When I borrowed your pen
I didn’t know it was you,
When we met again

I didn’t know it was you,
When we talked for hours without getting bored
I didn’t know it was you,
When we laughed at the silliest of jokes.

I didn’t know it was you,
When I held your hand and flied
I didn’t know it was you,
When I got late and you cried.

I didn’t know it was you,
When the life was at its best
I didn’t know it was you,
When I held you to my chest.

I didn’t know it was you,
When the seasons passed by
I didn’t know it was you,
When we finally said “goodbye” !!!