Monday, June 9, 2008

fed-exp derailed !!!

what a heart break it has been...couldnt hv imagined this even in my wildest dreams that roger federer,the king...the one i'm an ardent fan of would be humiliated in such a way at Phillippe Chatrier,really what a shame!!!

We all knew that rafa is improving by the day and is the master of clay but the way he demolished roger today was like rude shock for all fedex fans. i wont go into the details of what all fedex didnt do which he should have or how the spaniard just outplayed him in every department of the game...cos the game's over n so is the dream of watching roger winning on parisian soil, atleast for an year.

What inspired me to key in this post were reasons nothing else but emotional,so as I feel disoriented and try to streamline my haywired thoughts i apologise for ending this abruptly...but promise to come back with lots more on roger once he wins the Wimbledon this year...fingers crossed...

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